Episode 8: Ronette Parker Interview

About Ronnete Parker, ABA

Ronette Parker is an ABA Therapist who is the owner of Ronette Parker, Mindful ABA. Weaving Mindfulness techniques (meditation, deep breathing, deep pressure, art, yoga) into her ABA practice has helped her better serve her clients who suffer from anxiety along with various diagnosis, primarily Autism. She has found that decreasing an individuals anxiety creates a calming space for them to be more open to learning appropriate responses to common triggers that would otherwise cause distress. She has been in the Special Education field for 22 years as an ABA therapist and then a Severe Special Needs teacher for 10 years before she opened her practice. She has a rich and extensive background in ABA and Behavior Modification and has received multiple authorizations for Autism during her tenure teaching. Being a former Special Education Teacher she has vast knowledge of IEP’s, 504 Plans, Behavior Intervention Plans, Safety Plans, as well as setting up her clients for success by helping them strengthen their academic, self-help, and social skills. Being a parent of a child who has a 504 Plan has given her the unique opportunity of being on both sides of the educational team and she is currently using this knowledge to help support other parents. Collaboration is key to Ronette, so she likes to meet with other service providers to help overlap skills to provide consistency for the client. Currently, she does in-home therapy with her clients, as well as school observations to help the skills she is working on with her clients cross environments fluidly for optimum success. 

Ronette's Resource Recommendations

Ronetteparkeraba.com: I provide blogs and videos to help support families.

Autism-Society.org: Great resource for parents, also has sensory friendly events for families in their areas.

Autismspeaks.org: Another great resource for families, also has information on sensory friendly activities in your area. Unfortunately, the service providers page isn’t always up to date. 

PHP.com: (Parents Helping Parents), this is a wonderful resource for families in Santa Cruz County and the Bay Area. You can find service providers, groups, doctors, etc. 

The Greater Good at Berkeley: This is a wonderful resource for parents to teach mindfulness practices to their children. Wonderful articles on how to raise mindful children by teaching gratitude, forgiveness, love, and many other topics. 

Social Media Contacts

Website: Ronetteparkeraba.com

Pinterest: Ronette Parker, Mindful ABA

Instagram: ronetteparkeraba

Twitter: @ronette_parker

Facebook: Ronette Parker, ABA and Special Needs Advocacy

LinkedIn: Ronette Parker, Mindful ABA

YouTube: Ronette Parker ABA

Thanks so much for joining us Ronette!  I am linking her Open Letter to Parents, as well.




Kirsten Kuzirian